Early learning and Childcare
Our purpose is to ensure that the children enrolled in this childcare Haberfield in our care achieve the appropriate learning, development and wellbeing outcomes that they need to allow them to be well prepared and ready for school.
How do we ensure these outcomes are achieved?
- The children are our number one priority. We aim to focus on the needs, abilities and interests of each child. Therefore this will allow us to meet all individual learning outcomes and goals.
- Families are just as important. We aim to develop a relationship with our families. This will allow us to work together to achieve individual goals for your children.
- Working with the local community. We believe that the community has an impact on our service. We like to share a relationship with the community to work together to implement certain things into the service which may help us meet certain outcomes that we would like to exceed.
Development of important values in students of Toddlers Ink
- Since each child has unique ways of learning, the educators observe and understand each child’s interests and learning needs. This is done to ensure we receive the best possible outcome for your children when it comes to their development and reaching educational and social developmental goals.
- The environment of this childcare is set in a way to cater for all learning needs. Our learning environment is to ensure each child has a sense of belonging, which provides opportunities to ensure they exceed. The educators also set out each learning environment based on each child’s needs so they become more engaged, interested and stimulated. Our goal in this childcare Haberfield is to ensure each child grows to be their own person and also reach their developmental milestones.
- Our educators develop a great relationship with the parents/carers of all children. Involving parents into the program and planning process allows the educators to ensure there is consistency, growth and goals set of all children in our childcare centre Haberfield.
- In our service we also like to connect with the community, whether it being celebrating any special events such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Grandparents’ Day, and other special occasions with their loved ones. We also plan excursions to the library or a local community visit, this is to increase the children’s knowledge on our community and to also connect with our locals.
- Our educators spend time on understanding and respecting each child’s cultural background, language and traditions. This helps the educators understand each child and implement any cultural events that will allow the child to feel a sense of belonging and connect when attending Toddlers Ink Childcare.
All educators and non-teaching staff at Toddlers Ink show respect towards all cultures. This childcare centre in Haberfield ensure that the identity of each child is recognised and respected.